As climate change becomes a more pressing issue, Nori is stepping up with innovative solutions to tackle environmental challenges. Since its start in 2017, Nori has been focused on expanding carbon removal efforts by using advanced technology and a unique marketplace that connects people and businesses with ways to capture and store carbon dioxide. Nori's approach plays a key role in addressing global climate issues.

A Marketplace for Carbon Removal

Nori's carbon removal marketplace is central to what they do. This platform connects suppliers of carbon removal—mainly farmers using sustainable agricultural practices—with buyers who want to offset their carbon footprints.

What sets Nori's marketplace apart is its transparency and efficiency, which can be hard to find in the wider carbon offset market.

The credits traded on the platform, called Nori Carbon Removal Tonnes (NRTs), represent verified carbon removal efforts, making sure that every transaction genuinely benefits the environment.

Innovative Approaches

Nori offers a range of products tailored to the carbon removal industry. Their main product, the Regenerative Tonne™, supports projects that capture carbon in agricultural soils. This not only reduces CO2 levels but also improves soil health, encouraging sustainable farming. In December 2023, Nori introduced the Net Zero Tonne™, a hybrid credit that combines soil carbon sequestration with direct air capture, providing both short-term and long-term carbon removal solutions.

Making an Impact

Nori has already made a significant impact, removing over 125,000 tons of carbon from the atmosphere and directing $2 million to farmers. As the global carbon market continues to grow, Nori is well-positioned to expand its operations and increase its environmental contributions. By making carbon removals accessible to businesses of all sizes, Nori is helping democratize climate action and encouraging a collaborative approach to tackling climate change.

Forrest-1Growth Through Partnerships

Nori has grown significantly thanks to strategic partnerships and investments. The company has received funding from major investors like Toyota Ventures and M13, raising $17.25 million by mid-2023. This funding is crucial for scaling their operations and increasing their impact. Collaborations with industry leaders such as Bayer have strengthened Nori's presence in the carbon removal space, bringing a large number of verified carbon removal credits to their platform.

A Focus on Integrity

Nori is committed to maintaining high standards and transparency in its operations. Each carbon credit is validated by independent experts using third-party quantification tools, ensuring that the impact claims are accurate. This careful process prevents double counting and gives buyers confidence in the environmental benefits of their purchases. Nori’s open registry and transparent governance model help create a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

Leadership and Future Vision

CEO Matt Trudeau, who joined Nori in 2023, is guiding the company toward further innovation and growth. With his background in digital markets and cryptocurrency, Trudeau brings a strategic vision that’s crucial for navigating the complexities of the carbon removal industry. Co-founder Paul Gambill, now serving as Chief Product Officer, continues to lead product development, keeping Nori at the cutting edge of climate technology.

Nori is making real progress in the fight against climate change. Through its innovative technology, strategic partnerships, and strong commitment to transparency, Nori is not only removing carbon from the atmosphere but also helping pave the way for a more sustainable future.

For more information on Nori's innovative work, visit their website at